Chief Minister Vijay Bahuguna, on Saturday, visited Mussoorie and took stock of the damage caused at Kempty Fall areas due to land slide. He also interacted with the affected people and announced relief amount of Rs. 1 lakh, Rs. 50,000 and Rs. 25,000 to them as per the degree of damages to their properties.
Chief Minister Bahuguna also assured the shopkeepers that temporary shops at Kempty Fall would not be removed. Instead, he directed the District Magistrate Tehri to prepare proposal for their regularization and forward it to the Government.
He said that widening of Kempty Bypass Road would also be considered. Describing Kempty Fall area important in view of tourism, Mr. Bahuguna said that an action plan would be chalked out for its development and beautification so that maximum tourists visit the place.
He said that widening of Kempty Bypass Road would also be considered. Describing Kempty Fall area important in view of tourism, Mr. Bahuguna said that an action plan would be chalked out for its development and beautification so that maximum tourists visit the place.
Chief Minister Bahuguna said that the State Government was providing all possible help to the disaster affected people in Uttarkashi and other places and was working on war footing to provide relief to them. He said that looking into the gravity of the situation; the immediate relief amount too had been doubled and had also sought for additional help from the Centre. He appealed to the social organizations and NGOs to come forward in this hour of distress.
The Delegation of Vyapar Mandal placed their various demands before the Chief Minister. They said that a big shop and two small shops had been devastated in landslide. Mr. Bahuguna assured them to take necessary step in this direction.
Mr. Bahuguna was accompanied by Disaster Management Minister Yashpal Arya, former Congress MLA Jot Singh Gunsola, Tehri District Magistrate Ranjit Sinha and Dehradun District Magistrate Ravinath Raman.
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